Get Digital, Inc, the partner company of Get Digital Data was the founder of the cd ripping service business. As the founders, we had to overcome the significant technical and marketing hurdles on our own. With this effort, we've gained a strong understanding of both the products and processes necessary to build a viable CD ripping company.
It became evident in the beginning, that while ripping CDs seemed to be fairly straight forward, the concept of ripping large volumes of CDs and large individual collections was a much more challenging task than anticipated. The following are a couple of the key items learned.
Get Digital Data has invested significantly in creating Encode Center software powered by the GD3 database to create the only true CD ripping solution. Now, this software is available to customers looking to either start or enhance their CD ripping business. With this solution, you can now deliver a professional grade service right from the beginning.
Get Digital Data’s Encode Center Pro software can be a key element in your value offering for your clients. Using Encode Center Pro, and the robotic changer of your choice, you can easily transfer your clients CD collection to any media server device.